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  • Writer's pictureCarma Levene

Grill The Marketer - Clay & Carma Live

Updated: Oct 27, 2021

We're hosting an event in Perth! Co-working space with a difference, My Hustle is sponsoring a marketing event that's a bit different.

We're putting ourselves up for a grilling!

When: July 29th, from 5.30pm

Where: My Hustle @ Percy Flint in South Freo

What: LIVE marketing Q&A

Why: Cos marketing is fun to talk about and we love to problem solve!

Tickets: $20 + BF to buy click here

A Different Kind Of Marketing Event

Normally marketing seminars and workshops are quite structured and you need to wait until the end to get your burning questions answered.

But not this time! Grill The Marketer is a hot idea we came up with when Clay and I were chatting about marketing events and the feedback we'd heard from attendees - which was along the lines of "I didn't get to ask my question..."

An we thought, shoot - that's not good. You went along to an event with an issue you wanted to find out how to solve and you got no help and went home disappointed.

So we decided we'd host an event that skips all that stuff for Grill The Marketer.

No sales pitches, no PowerPoint slides, just your questions - answered.

Come One Come all

It's perfect for marketers of all levels, students, business owners and managers, and anyone thinking of getting into business - in fact, since the content of the evening is determined by YOU, it's really suitable for anyone! As long as your over 18, it is a bar after all!

To keep it on track the wonderful Melissa Bowen (media extraordinaire and My Hustle Director) will MC the evening.

Clayton and I will be there answering your marketing questions and will make ourselves available afterwards for a bit of mingling and drinks.

You'll get an entry for the door prize - one of two FREE coaching sessions for your business (one from Clayton, one from me)

Plus the ticket cost ($20+BF) covers a drink on arrival and an epic grazing board from Percy Flint's fabulous kitchen team.

So join us for the first Grill The Marketer!

Tickets and more info HERE

Your pal, Carma


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