We're not here to f*ck spiders.
We're here to talk about Aussie marketing campaigns, and show you the good, bad and the deadly - and in recent times there's been one campaign that's so Aussie it could bite you and kill you within the hour, and it's BACK!
Game On Mole
That's right! If you've followed The Marketer for a while you might remember this was a feature campaign a while back. We highlighted it's simple and elegant implementation and it's truly down under tagline.
So what is Game On Mole?
The Melanoma Institute Australia is serious about skin checks. And for good reason, approximately every half hour an Australian is diagnosed with Melanoma. You can see more scary facts here
The Campaign
In case you don't know, this phrase was first uttered on Australian reality TV about 15 years ago and hit a chord with the public.
Taking it literally, the Melanoma Institute Australia has used it as a powerful campaign tagline and the game is back on for the summer season.

Cate Campbell lends her fame to the campaign and explains it simply - take a photo of your skin now, and then again at the end of summer. If you notice any changes, seek medical advice.
‘I am living proof that early detection is vital to saving lives from melanoma,’ said Cate, who sports a scar on her arm from her melanoma surgery. ‘We need to be having discussions about sun-safety and checking your skin for changes, and I encourage all Aussies to buy a t-shirt, wear it proudly, and start those life-saving conversations.’
Says Cate.
Couldn't be more simple. It's not telling you off for being in the sun, or scaring you with stats, or dramatising a victim's story (not that there's anything wrong with these as tactics) they just want you to be more aware of your skin so if you do develop melanoma you can catch it early!
CEO of Melanoma Institute Australia, Matthew Browne said the campaign uses Australian humour to relay a serious message:
‘We know Australians love a laugh almost as much as they love soaking up the sun,’
Mr Browne said.
‘But melanoma is no laughing matter, with one Australian dying from the disease every five hours and it being the most common cancer impacting 15 to 39 year olds.
‘The strength of this campaign lies in its capacity to empower all Australians to be a part of the solution by wearing a t-shirt that begs the question ‘what is that about?’ It’s a great conversation starter about what is largely a preventable disease.’
How do you get around it?
The call to action is very simple, and we hope Australians join MIA and The Marketer by:
Buying a t-shirt (ours arrived Friday!)
Wearing it proudly (and sharing to social media) to start discussions about skin health
Taking a photo of you skin at the start of summer and again at the end of summer
Seeking medical advice if you notice any changes.
What's to love?
It goes without saying I love the tagline. It's refreshing. It's authentic and it's not a NFP or a brand talking down (or up) to their audience. It's pitched just right thanks Goldilocks.
What else does this campaign do well?
Firstly, I love that this campaign has it's own website. While it would have been tempting to go with what you had (the main MIA website) the corporate site is huge and, well...corporate.
Also I love the brand assets. Bold, fun, modern. OMG it's GOM!
There's no big budget and big end of town agency driving this campaign either (again - nothing wrong with that...just love a good underdog story) so the MIA are really relying on garnering press coverage, the celebrity endorsements, and the participation of the punters.
What's it got to do with us?
The MIA got in touch with us after we covered their campaign last year and asked us if we'd help spread the word again - which we're more than happy to do. Not only is it a great piece of marketing, but a bloody good cause.
So grab your shirts, there's heaps to choose from, and get your game face on.
We'll be wearing our Game On Mole t-shirts at our next Grill The Marketer event, so if you want to see us showing them off make sure you're there.
Sun safety and early detection save lives. Know the skin you are in!
Check out the new t-shirt designs and start a lifesaving conversation.